The age of nine powerful comics, the flourishing of scientific development. In such times, however, there are still many alien creatures lurking in the shadows, known to those who exist as « strange creatures » – different types, some as cute as out of a fairy tale; Some are horrible and cruel, gnawing flesh and bone and flying flesh and blood; There are also some who never appear, just parasitism, swallowing anger and living – in the eradication of strange people for business, there is a very alternative youth – nine together. This young man does not have any spiritual power, magic, God and other powers, and is ridiculed by people as « zero. » With his caustic speech, absurd personality and head-shaking manner, he was an oddity. However, he can always kill demons in unexpected ways to solve countless strange events! – « 0 Almighty » nine together. Is he a genius? Or is it a fraud at all? Gorgeous and dazzling modern strange story, the spirit of the show! Toru Hayama, a popular Japanese fantasy writer, offers a modern fantasy story
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